90 Day Fiancé’s Colt Johnson in Crisis: The Shocking Reason He COULD LOSE HIS LEG !!!

90 Day Fiancé star Colt Johnson has had the worst luck lately, with one serious injury following another, and I believe that he deserves sympathy even though he’s so problematic. When they’re going through really hard times, people need some kind of grace, even if they’ve done bad things. There are exceptions, of course – Hitler didn’t deserve grace, but the worst Colt has done is the usual reality TV fodder – cheating, lying and the like.

90 Day Fiancé’s Colt Johnson looks confused, in front of a medical logo.

Many people have cheated and lied. Who hasn’t been dishonest or betrayed someone? Shamefully, I have done both. However, I didn’t televise my worst moments, basically inviting the whole world to mock me. Colt willingly put on a hell of a show.

His antics, and the hijinks of those around him, made for delightfully bizarre viewing. Colt’s interactions with his love interests, and a mother-son dynamic straight out of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1960 horror film classic, Psycho, showed the full prism of human emotion, from zany to passionate to train wreck. Coltee’s ups and downs were truly memorable.

Colt’s In A Bad Situation Right Now

I’m not perfect, but nevertheless, in the past, I have judged “Coltee.” At other times, I’ve sympathized with him. Now that he may lose his leg due to an infection linked with a second serious injury, I’m feeling for him. The “smother love” that Debbie Johnson gave him may have warped his mind, pushing him to hurt women, if unintentionally. Colt has been awful, but I’ve had my moments too, and that’s why I’m setting aside the ancient grudges I’ve carried.

I’m turning over a new leaf even though I’ll never be Coltee’s number one fan.

Colt used to annoy me. With Larissa Lima, he had his hands full, but how many red flags needed to wave in the breeze before he realized he was being used for money and a Green Card? I get that Colt was dazzled by Larissa’s fiery sexiness, but ultimately, there’s no way he didn’t see the warning signs.

The ultra-glam Larissa kept pushing him, asking a man she perceived as a cheapskate to air condition his car. In her defense, they were in Las Vegas, and she was roasting in his vehicle. However, that sensible demand was just the tip of the iceberg.

Soon enough, as all 90DF con artists do, she wanted more. More clothes, more jewelry, more hair appointments, more makeup, and plastic surgery too. Her list of demands made it seem like she perceived Coltee as a human ATM and wimpy pushover. Of course, he tried to rein her in – that was understandable. She’s the woman who climbed a staircase and shared her mindset with the entire world, yelling:

Who is against the queen will die!

This is a feisty woman – the problem is that Larissa chose violence. The cops came – in a heartbeat, it all went from dysfunctional to messy and dangerous. Life can change so quickly. Larissa was a user, but then again, Colt let his mother walk all over her. Neither partner was getting their needs met. When that relationship tanked, Colt started playing his mind games with redhead Jess Caroline, who wasn’t really his type.

Colt likes the sultry brunettes. He cheated with one, Vanessa Guerra, and later married her. That relationship has also failed. Now, Colt, who tried so hard to change his body through workouts and dieting, has been seriously injured while filming a new show. That is a different accident from the one that made headlines in April 2024.

During the first incident, he hurt himself on a trampoline. It was no laughing matter, and now, he’s reportedly got an injured leg that’s infected. There is the possibility that he’ll need to have it amputated.

This is horrible. Mobility is a gift – it’s precious. Not everyone is lucky enough to have mobility – some people have disabilities that make their lives challenging. If Colt loses his leg, nothing will ever be the same, and he’ll need to adjust to having a disability. I’m a cochlear implant recipient and I had to adjust to decades of worsening hearing loss before I got that life-changing surgery.

Disability is a serious, serious thing – it can trigger depression linked with frustration and feelings of helplessness. Sometimes, people aren’t sure how to treat the disabled, and the key is just to try and understand. How would you feel if you were living with that type of challenge? A person doesn’t need to understand everything about another person’s disability. They just need to try and think about how that person feels while they navigate life, as they are having a different experience. It doesn’t mean that they’re not bright, or whatever. They are just different.

I wouldn’t wish a disability on anyone, no matter how bad they are. On balance, Colt has issues with women that he needs to address – this is something he really needs to work on. However, that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t deserve support from fans right now, even as he possibly tries to play a woman so he can flee to Brazil and enjoy an easier life.

It’s time for a hiatus from the mockery and the criticism. The 90 Day Fiancé star Colt is going through something terrible, and I wish him a full recovery. Hopefully, he won’t lose his leg. Colt was trying to turn his life around by improving his health. These setbacks are daunting, and regardless of who he is in relationships, he needs compassion.

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